(function($){ function videoJS() { VideoJS.setupAllWhenReady({ autoplay: false, preload: true, useBuiltInControls: false, // Use the browser's controls (iPhone) controlsBelow: false, // Display control bar below video vs. in front of controlsAtStart: true, // Make controls visible when page loads controlsHiding: false, // Hide controls when not over the video defaultVolume: 0.85, // Will be overridden by localStorage volume if available playerFallbackOrder: ["html5", "flash", "links"], // Players and order to use them flashPlayer: "htmlObject", flashPlayerVersion: false // Required flash version for fallback }); if ($('div.fallbackPlayer').find('object').length) { $('div.video-js-box').attr('style', 'padding-bottom: 5px !important;'); } } $(function(){ videoJS(); }); })(jQuery);