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title: "Mátyás Gábor
image: "img/milyen-nalunk-dolgozni/matyas-gabor-full.webp"
2: {
title: "Konrád Alíz
image: "img/milyen-nalunk-dolgozni/konrad-aliz-full.webp"
3: {
title: "Bondor Dániel
BSS Engineer",
image: "img/milyen-nalunk-dolgozni/bondor-daniel-full.webp"
4: {
title: "Szeleczki Ádám
Decision Support Expert",
image: "img/milyen-nalunk-dolgozni/szeleczki-adam-full.webp"
5: {
title: "Tardi Zsolt
Adatmenedzsment munkatárs",
image: "img/milyen-nalunk-dolgozni/tardi-zsolt-full.webp"
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