Security in practice Mobilsuli (Mobile school)

These days computers, TV and mobile telephones are absolutely natural for children. However, do they have the knowledge to use these devices and content safely and wise?
The answer is clearly not. Children tend to be great device/technology experts but do not use them consciously: they often ignore safety and ethical issues. That is why Telekom supports the MobkomX (Mobile and Internet Communication for the X Generation Association) organization, established by the employees of the company. Within the frame of the Mobilsuli program our volunteers give free of charge lectures on the above topics in primary schools.
They give lectures on the use of mobile phones to 4-6 grade primary school pupils where a short introduction is devoted to the history of the device the participants learn the basics of the technology. After the introduction there is a presentation on the safe and ethical use of mobile phones then the training is closed with a question-answer session. Based on our colleagues' experience - although the majority of this age group regularly uses mobile phones and the internet - these children do not know what they are supposed to do / not to do in order to avoid exposure while using their devices. Mobilsuli experts learn a lot from these meetings and continuously develop, fine-tune the training material. Owing to this experience the presenters can concentrate on real and valid problems - in a way that is understandable and interesting for the children. The mobile phone trainings will soon be supplemented with internet trainings for 7-8 grade pupils.
The Mobilsuli volunteers have visited numerous schools in Budapest and in the countryside. Their work was awarded with the Volunteer Center Fund's Voluntary Corporate Program of the Year - 2013 award .
Mobilsuli is continuously inviting primary schools to participate in their program. . It is worth asking your children whether their school have already contacted the association and requested the training.