Telekom and internet safety

Telekom is committed to children's safe use of the internet and uses its best endeavors to support it. That is why Telekom has become a member – through Origo Média és Kommunikációs Szolgáltató Zrt. – the Hungarian Content Provider Association (MTE) and deems the (Ethical) Code of Content Distribution binding for the company.
In the iWiW social network website - part of the origo portal - children under the age of 14 can only register with the consent of the parents, may not enter clubs intended for people above the age of 18 and may not have access to adult content. Harmful content can be reported with a single click and users may set in who can see their personal data in the portal. The adult content of the Videa video sharing network is only accessible upon answering a question on the age of the user and the confirmation of the reading of a warning message - illegal content can be reported. One may only upload content to the VideaKid site that is specifically designed for children. The chatrooms are supervised by moderators.
Origo's own content fully complies with the requirements of Act CIV. of 2010 (on the Freedom of Press and the Basic Rules of Media Content) and Act CLXXXV of 2010 (on Media Services and Mass Communication). In line with the above minors may only have access to certain content after being warned to risks (popup window). The warning simultaneously helps parents to download a free of charge content filtering program (with the recommendation of the Hungarian Content Provider Association).
In 2008, in order to promote the safe use of mobile telephony, Telekom, Telenor (then Pannon and Vodafone signed a Code of Ethics. The companies committed themselves to protect children by way of adequate and strict regulation of the use of premium fee services. In 2009 Telekom joined the GSM Association's international children safety initiative.
Safety tips from Telekom