ICT for Sustainability
While performing its activities Magyar Telekom not only bears
responsibility for its operation and the environmental, social and economic impacts, but also takes advantage of the possibilities
inherent in
sustainability. Info-communication technology (ICT) helps to develop and offer
products and services that contribute to sustainable growth.
On the one hand, through the
services it offers, ICT is capable
of reducing greenhouse gas emissions (through the replacement of travels, dematerialization).
On the other hand, access to
info-communication technologies helps to close the economic gap of backward
areas. Through providing free access to information and expanding educational
possibilities, ICT enhances the
overall well-being of the population and facilitates quick and efficient
coordination in emergencies in order to avoid or mitigate damage.
In addition to offering the products and services
below, Magyar Telekom makes significant efforts at innovation, which encompass
sustainability-related tests and pilots. You can read more about these
innovative efforts and tests, if you click on the related contents.
VitaDock products– innovative iPhone health accessories

VitaDock products are health accessories that connect to your iPhone,
iPod or iPad. You can make measurements by the VitaDock ® App application,
which is freely available from AppStore. Measured values are stored by the
VideoGate video conference exchange service for subscribers

The VideoGate service enables its users to conduct
video conference calls beyond the boundaries of their own networks, and
independent of geographical location. For this, the participants must have a
video conference device each. The exchange equipment needed for building up the
conference calls are provided as part of the service, thus customers do not
need to spend on investing into their own infrastructures.
Invoice insurance

A new element of the Security Program established by Magyar Telekom is
Invoice Insurance, which is based on the principle that the Insured, who is to
have a subscription for Magyar Telekom’s fixed-line or mobile phone service in
effect, does not have to give up the services provided by Magyar Telekom even
if he/she loses his/her job or becomes incapacitated to earn an income, as the
Insurer pays a flat amount out of his/her invoices covered by the policy for a
set period of time. The insurance service is provided by Magyar Telekom’s
contractual partner, UNION Insurance Company.
PraxisPlatform patient education and therapy management system

PraxisPlatform is an innovative telecommunication system of Magyar
Telekom that brings closer to each other the three most important actors of
healthcare: the patient who wishes to recover, the doctor who wishes to cure
the patient and the pharmacist who is in regular contact with the patient.
MasterCard Mobile mobile payment application

Initially, MasterCard Mobile provides payment
services in three areas: mobile phone balance top-up, settling invoices issued
by certain providers in a very comfortable and fast manner, and paying via the
internet. After registration, the customer does not have to provide his/her
card data at each and every transaction, which does not only make mobile
payment quicker and more comfortable, but also eases the mind of many users.
Pediatrics Line healthcare information service

In the framework of this electronic information
service, offered to our subscribers and their relatives, specialist physicians
stand-by round-the-clock to provide advice regarding health issues of children
and their families, diseases, alimentation and prevention practices.
TelePresence Conference

Telepresence is a new
generation video-conferencing solution. Due to the high definition
technology, the spatial sound and
the design of the meeting room participants have the feeling they are sitting
at the same table. Partners sitting on the other side can be seen in life-size, one can have eye-contact with them, and observe
their meta-communication signals, facial expressions and tone of voice.
Hosting (data park) services

In the area of hosting, as in other IT segments,
rapid development can be observed. Magyar Telekom’s business brand, T-Systems,
which is a leading provider of hosting and collocation services in the
Hungarian market, pays special
attention to expanding the portfolio of its services. As a result of this
effort the DataPark
in Szeged has
opened, where T-Systems’
hosting-type services are also available.
Blackberry Enterprise

BlackBerry – Office in Your
Pocket. BlackBerry provides a single
access to all the communication channels that are indispensable for business
life. Through the built-in telephone,
SMS and browsing applications coupled with an organizing function the equipment
makes all data easy to manage, and
cooperation and communication become more efficient. BlackBerry is a service
offered by Telekom.

We offer two solutions with
T-Systems Marketline e-procurement services: our partners can use the e-auction
procurement and the integrated procurement and vendor solutions.

As a registered user you can
receive bills for the services delivered by vendors in the form of an
electronic and authenticated bill. With just a few clicks you can settle the
billed amount in a safe environment either via the Internet or in the
traditional manner, through a bank
transfer or collection from the bank account. Paper bills do not accumulate in
your drawer, as the electronic bills
can be stored on your own computer.

Using the mobile internet
(HSDPA/3G/EDGE/GPRS) services, our customers can access the worldwide web from
any location in Hungary,
or even abroad. By providing this service, we contribute to increasing the
internet penetration in Hungary
and establishing the information society. Mobile internet enables telework and
part-time jobs.
Mobile Purchase

Mobile purchase is a new cashless payment service that allows you to save
the time and effort of exchanging money, often needed in case of cash
Mobile Payment

Mobile payment is a unique, new service, using which you can use your
mobile phone, which you always have with you anyway, to make payments. Payment
is debited to the Mobile Payment bank account balance, or its optional credit
Mobile Code for web

Mobile codes (QR code,
Datamatrix) are two-dimensional bar codes that can contain URLs (e.g.
www.telekom.hu/mobil), phone numbers, business
cards, texts or pictures.

T-Systems offers small and medium-sized enterprises a
complete office communicationsinfrastructure that consists of modern IT and
telecommunications tools, everything from asingle
Discount prepaid tariff packages for the visually and hearing impaired

have designed special prepaid tariff packages, offering very low-price for SMS
messages sent within our network, for those deaf or hearing impaired customers
of ours who submit the necessary documentation certifying their handicap.
Virtualoso services

T-Systems’ new IT services, useful both at home and in
the office, are now available for small and medium enterprises under the name “Virtualoso”.
The Virtualoso offer includes services accessible through the internet for
favorable monthly fees, without any investments required from the user.
Mobile phone for the elderly

The emporiaTALK premium mobile phone’s features are designed to meet
the demand and life style of the elder generations.