Press Releases
More than 2000 students receive digital education on volunteer day
Budapest, October 15, 2018 13:00
Magyar Telekom Group employees took part in renovating public places, institutions, putting in more than 5000 hours at 25 locations on October 13. This was the first year when, as part of the Volunteer Day program, employees also held digital training for close to 2000 students of 13 schools. The event has been one of the largest scale ones in the history of Magyar Telekom Group both in terms of number of participating colleagues and geographical reach.
Close to 1000 employees of the Group took part in the countrywide volunteer day program organized by Magyar Telekom and T-Systems Hungary, thanks to whom the environment of 25 locations, including kindergartens, schools, social facilities and boarding homes, has gained a fresh look. Being a market leader, responsible company, Magyar Telekom finds it important to draw on its specific capabilities to help different layers of society gain equal access to the digital world, and to do that not only by involving them in the digital NOW, but also by providing them guidance on how to navigate the opportunities and threats this world presents. Therefore, in addition to traditional volunteer work, the volunteers drew on the company’s collective intellectual capital, as well as their personal expertise and experience to hold interactive presentations to more than 2000 pupils aged 10-14 in 13 schools addressing four topics: social media and personal brand, internet security, IT career opportunities and future jobs. The digital education program is part of the series held in the framework of the European Cybersecurity Month, aimed to increase awareness about secure use of features offered by the online world.

Magyar Telekom Group puts special emphasis on sustainability, especially on the selection and implementation of its community contribution and volunteer programs. “Being a responsible large enterprise providing jobs to thousands of people, Magyar Telekom Group encourages its employees by organizing a volunteer day each year to take an active role in helping society. I am especially delighted that on top of the traditional types of volunteer activities, many colleagues opted to be part of the digital education effort,” said Magyar Telekom’s Chief HR Officer, Zsuzsanna Friedl.

As part of the traditional volunteer effort , close to 700 colleagues worked at 25 locations across the country. In the wider Budapest region, they cleaned up the yards of the Heim Pál and the Tűzoltó Street Pediatric Hospitals, also painted the walls of the gym of the latter. The volunteers also worked on the train station buildings of the MÁV – Children’s Train at Normafa and at Széchenyi-hegy, as well as 18 kennels of Ebremény Association – Strázsa Dog Shelter. Participants pushed back the spread of invasive plants and restored habitats at several nature reserve areas. In the countryside, the colleagues built pedestrian walks, painted benches and cleaned up gardens in three boarding homes maintained for autistic people and supported by the company’s strategic partner, Autistic Art Foundation in Kozármisleny, Szakáld and Miskolc. At Szeged, they held artisan programs for disabled students of Gemma Social Service Center and Development School.