Press Releases
Six thousand attend 11th Sustainability Day event
Budapest, October 2, 2018 11:00
More than six thousand people visited the Sustainability Day event
organized by Magyar Telekom for the 11
th time this year, held at
Akvárium Klub on Saturday.
This year’s theme of the festival conference was liveliness in the context of
environmental, social and economic aspects, as well as that of the individual
In his opening speech, András S. Takács, a member of On The Spot, explored the unlimited liveliness kids demonstrate. Why do we see the same in the eyes of Pope Francis, the Dalai Lama or Tamás Vásáry? Why and how do we lose this liveliness, what can we do to get it back, and what has perseverance has to do with curiosity? The environmental panel discussed the implications of biological diversity relevant to the environment, cities and people, as well as how to exploit optimal renewing energy sources and smart climate protection solutions. In the economic session, the members discussed the drivers of a lively economy, the social conditions serving as the basis of an innovation culture, as well as the significance of the liveliness of individuals and infrastructures from startups to digital agriculture. The social panel addressed the change in how we define generations and the role they play, the impact digitalization has on social processes, as well as the role cultural diversity and the closely related cultural intelligence play in today’s society. The extra panel session addressing the role of individuals returned to the initial idea of childhood liveliness in the context of parenting, as well as the support given to people with disabilities and what motivates an Olympic champion.

In course of the day, the conclusion was drawn that the main driver
behind all of these topics is communities. In today’s world, it is essential
that people find jobs or hobbies that they like, and what is more important,
establish or join communities that support the whole society.
In addition to the professional panels, more than 40 organizations erected stands awaiting those interested in the cause of sustainability. Visitors of the exhibition space were invited to explore renewing energy systems, fashion products made of recycled materials, interactive educational programs aimed to increase kids’ awareness about sustainability, technological developments, as well as trendy and innovative solutions. Members of the audience were asked to cast their votes on which organizations’ programs were most to their liking. At the end of the day the best exhibitor awards went to NEO Hungarian Service Dog Association, Meixner School, and DELFIN Award winner Jövő Öko-Nemzedéke (Future Eco-generation) Foundation.

The 11
th Sustainability Day event also hosted the award
ceremony of the creative contest launched in the summer. The theme question “What
makes you tick?” inspired many to compete, and a professional jury selected the
best of the works. The first place in the
Creative category went to the work of
Janka Sára Balázs titled “#metoo”. In the
Film category, Gergely Csorba’s “And you,
do you tick?” came in first. The slam titled RESILIENCE performed by Dia Smith,
Ketlin Smith, Cintia Farkas, Noémi Szalai, Márk Selyem, Patrik Horváth, Kristóf
Horváth, Edmund Mizzo Oláh and Bálint Tóth was selected as the best of the
Music/slam category. The clip that served as a
basis for the song was created by Flóra Chilton. The most visitor votes and
thus the Audience Award went to István Kollár’s creative project called “The
price of civilization”. The winning projects are accessible to view on the
Sustainability Day website.

As a token of recognition, prizes were also handed out to members of the
press who had addressed the topic of sustainability in the form of articles,
blog posts, radio or television shows, thus drawing the public’s attention to
the issues impacting our lives and environment. In the blog category, the prize
went to Réka Nagy, the author of Ökoanyu (eco-mum) blog. In the
(printed/online) article category, Bea Belicza received the prize, while in the
television/radio/video content category, reporter Dávid Czwick was selected by
the jury to win the prize. The joint Press Award of the Sustainability Media
Club and Magyar Telekom was handed over by Magyar Telekom’s Head of PR, István
The 11 th Sustainability Day event was concluded by a fantastic Anna & the Barbies concert and a vibrant after-party featuring JumoDaddy and Wonda.
The short video summary of the Day is accessible here.