Press Releases
Measurement and results: comprehensive test of Hungary’s mobile networks
Budapest, November 20, 2017 14:00
Based on the measurements of independent consultants, P3 Communications, Telekom’s mobile network received the best rating on both voice and data services out of all mobile networks in Hungary.
As a result of the targeted developments implemented recently, Magyar Telekom’s mobile network achieved the best test results in course of the measurements conducted by the independent P3 Communications 1 aimed at Hungary’s mobile services. As P3 Communications has confirmed by its certificate publicly accessible on the internet, Magyar Telekom achieved a “Best in Test“ ranking at the Mobile Benchmark Hungary 09/2017 survey, reaching 928 points on a scale of 1000. Compared to its 06/2015 survey results of 895 points published two years ago, Telekom has improved a lot in quality, and even more compared to the results of the competitors.
P3 Communications conducted a comprehensive survey, encompassing the full service spectrum of existing mobile networks (e.g. download and upload speeds, call success rates, web browsing and voice quality) with the aim to measure the quality offered by the networks of mobile operators from the customer’s point of view. They measured the mobile networks from both voice and data traffic aspects. Magyar Telekom came in first in terms of both mobile voice and mobile data services based on the summarized results. P3’s certificate includes the locations of the measurements conducted in September, as well as the results achieved by the three operators in Hungary.

1) P3 is an international management consultant and support, as well as industrial solutions vendor firm, which has conducted benchmark measurements globally for numerous major mobile operator groups, including DT, Vodafone and Orange.