Press Releases
Joint actions against cyber attacks - Cooperation between the National Cybersecurity Institute and Magyar Telekom
Budapest, January 5, 2017 17:00
The National Cybersecurity Institute (NKI) and Magyar Telekom signed a cooperation agreement with the purpose of NKI supporting the safe internet use of the population, with the cooperation of Magyar Telekom, along with the long term cybersecurity objectives of Hungary – and according to the Act on electronic information security of state and municipality agencies, as well as the Act on electronic communication, in reply to the internet security related challenges that continue to grow globally.
In the frame of the cooperation, from January 10, 2017 Magyar Telekom send emails to all–– ofits mobile or fix line internet subscribers who provided their email address, whose device was subjected to an internet attack and NKI informed Telekom about it.
Based on the cooperation NKI regularly informs Magyar Telekom about the IP addresses subjected to or causing or threatened by such security events, while based on the forwarded technical data the company – at least one every two months – informs the concerned subscribers 1 about it in email. In the process the identity of its customers is not revealed by Magyar Telekom to NKI, therefore NKI is not informed about which customer’s device raised security incidents.
On the subject of safe internet use a subpage will also be launched on (at, which assists customers with practical information about what specific actions to take to protect their own devices, as well as about immediate virus elimination, or how on the longer term they can apply appropriate antivirus protection.

1) Magyar Telekom send emails to customers based on the instruction of NKI, according to its legal obligation under section 92/B (3) of Act C of 2003 on electronic communication