Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board is responsible for supervising the administration and control of the Company and for assuring that the Company meets Hungarian legal requirements and the provisions set out in its own governing instruments. The Supervisory Board reviews every significant report delivered at the general meeting of the shareholders, proposals by the Board of Directors, financial statements and proposals regarding profit distribution. The Supervisory Board also prepares a report on these topics for the general meeting of shareholders at which the annual report is discussed.

Pursuant to the Articles of Association, the Supervisory Board consists of five members elected by the shareholders for terms of three years each. The Works Council nominates one third of the Supervisory Board members. Meetings of the Supervisory Board have a quorum if two-thirds of the elected members are present.

Members of the Supervisory Board

Prof. Dr. Attila Borbély

Prof. Dr. Attila Borbély

Professor Emeritus of University of Debrecen, Faculty of Economics and Business


Gyula Bereznai

Gyula Bereznai

Chairman of the Central Workers' Council, Magyar Telekom


Krisztina Dorogházi

Krisztina Dorogházi

Vice President Controller, Honeywell


András Szakonyi

András Szakonyi

Chief Executive Officer of Digital Infrastructure, Ferrovial S.E.


Endre Szepesi

Endre Szepesi

Member of the Workers Council, Magyar Telekom


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